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Privacy Policy

Information O’filigo may collect about you:

By using our website, you agree that we may collect and store any or all of the following types of information:
Information about the computer terminal you are on and about your use of our website including:
Your computers IP address,
Your worldwide geographical location,
Your Internet browser details,
The site which referred you to us,
How long you stayed on our site,
Which pages you viewed.
Any personal information you provide during registration, use of your account, subscribing to our blog or mailing list, purchases and any transactions carried out between you and O’filigo.

How O’filigo will use your personal data:

O’filigo will use your personal information for several reasons including the following:
We may use your personal information:
– For website administration purposes, which means that O’filigo may contact you in relation to your account purchases and transactions
– To personalise the way that content on our website is presented to you.
– To help us analyse the performance of our website, including through analytics
– To enable us to send to you any goods which have been purchased via our website,
– To allow O'filigo to send you any paperwork related to your account, purchases, transactions, use of the website.
– To communicate with you about our website, mailing list, blog and to send you general notifications.
– To communicate with you for the purposes of marketing our business
– To allow us to provide third parties with statistical information about our users (Any information will be generic and you will not be personally identifiable).
– To allow us to deal with any enquiries and complaints made by or about you relating to our website.
Where any financial transactions are handled by third party providers, for example by PayPal, this will be clearly identified. You should only provide personal information to these third parties after reviewing their privacy policies. We will share your personal information with PayPal or other third party provider only when it is necessary for the purposes of processing payments you make through our website.

Who O’filigo may disclose your personal information to:

We may disclose information about you to any of our Employees, Officers, Agents, Suppliers, Subcontractors, whenever it is reasonably necessary for the proper operation of the business of O’filigo. However, we will not provide or sell your personal details to any third parties unless you have specifically requested or agreed that we may do so.



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